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バンクーバー 英語

I am looking for new mates

Mr.Guy (バンクーバー) 2024-03-04 08:30:09

Hello Japanese mates,

My Japanese mate will go back to Japan next year in February.

He is helping me to study oral Japanese language and Japanese vocabulary together once a week. We sometimes do outings together such as casual meals, exploring new places and shops, exercise and much more.

I am looking for a new mate who has free time to help me study Japanese and do outings together a few times a month. A person who lives in Vancouver who is friendly and likes to help others. I also want to treat you to nice meals and snacks when we become good mates.
My Japanese mate works on weekdays and is only available on weekends.
We can meet on a weekday if you have free time to study and hang out together.

I think this is a good opportunity for you to meet English speakers and learn about diverse cultures while living in Vancouver.

Anyway, I am only searching for a mutual genuine relationship.

If you are also interested in this idea, please feel free to contact me.

Looking forward to hearing from you

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