カナダ掲示板 (移民・ワーク) - No.32739

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カナダ全般 移民・ワーク


CEC 雇用期間 (バンクーバー) 2014-10-28 11:33:14

CEC カナダエクスペリエンスクラスで移民申請する場合、1年以上のカナダ国内での労働経験が必要ですが、同じ会社で1年なのか、トータルで1年以上(A社・6ヶ月、B社・6ヶ月)で良いのか、調べても良くわかりませんでした。元々、トータルで良いものだと思っていましたが、ここに来て、一つの会社で1年以上ではないかと言う人が出てきてます。周りの友人もだいたい同じ会社で1年以上の人ばかりなので、どなたか詳しいかた、もしくは二つ以上の会社で働いて1年に達してアプライされた方いらっしゃいますか?よろしくお願いします。

返信‐1 (カルガリー) 2014-10-28 13:38


返信‐2 CEC 雇用期間 (バンクーバー) 2014-10-28 13:54


Requirements for applicants
Work experience

To apply for permanent resident status through the CEC, you need at least one year of full-time experience (or the equivalent in part-time work) as a skilled worker in Canada. Full-time work means at least 30 hours per week, and you need to have worked at least 1,560 hours in a year. The one-year of work experience must have been obtained within the three years preceding the date your CEC application is received.

To work in Canada after graduating, your best option is to apply for a post-graduation work permit. These permits may be valid for up to three years. To qualify for the CEC, remember that at least one year of your work experience must be in a skilled occupation (see skilled work experience).

It is also important to note that work experience you may have acquired as part of your academic program, such as an internship or a co-op placement, does not qualify under the CEC. Part-time work you may have performed during your studies does not qualify either.

If you have made an application for permanent residence and your existing work permit is about to expire, you may be eligible for a bridging open work permit. Bridging open work permits allow qualified applicants to keep working while they await a final decision on their permanent residence application. Read more about bridging open work permits and eligibility.


返信‐3 (カルガリー) 2014-10-29 10:45


have one year of continuous full-time (or an equal amount of continuous part-time) paid work experience
in one of the eligible occupations within the last ten years


返信‐4 (トロント) 2014-10-29 19:54

The work experience can be in any skilled occupation, there is no requirement to work in the same field as the subject matter of any previous studies in Canada. The experience can be with multiple jobs and/or with multiple employers, and does not need to be continuous, as long as it adds up to the required one year of skilled experience in three years.

返信‐5 CEC 雇用期間 (バンクーバー) 2014-10-30 04:07

OK thank you guys!
