カナダ掲示板 (留学) - No.28292

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エドモントン 留学

study permitの発給について 失敗!?

Kyohei (日本) 2013-03-28 12:37:59

来月の下旬にカナダへと留学するものです.そのために3/8ごろにビザの申請をしました.今日の朝にcicからメールが来ていて’新しいメッセージが出たという案内でした’ ログインすると poe introduction letter というリンクが出来ており,先に進んでいくといくつかの質問項目の後に

You have successfully transmitted your Online Request

Your reference number is XXXXXXXXX.

This is not your Eligibility Verification Number (EVN).

This reference number is required for any communication with Citizenship and Immigration Canada concerning your online request.

You must wait to receive your EVN before you can continue with an Off-Campus Work Permit (OCWP).

Please keep a record of your reference number. This reference number should be used when communicating with Citizenship and Immigration Canada concerning your online request.

What happens next?

Once your Designated Institutional Representative (DIR) completes your request, you will be notified of the results in your MyCIC message box.

If your DIR does not respond to your request within 28 calendar days, you will receive a message in your MyCIC message box indicating that your request has expired and that you should contact your DIR for further information.

Every time you receive a message in your MyCIC message box, you will receive an e-mail at the address you provided when you registered for MyCIC. It is very important to keep this information current. To notify Citizenship and Immigration Canada of any changes in your personal information, please contact us.

How do I print or save my Online Request?

You are able to print and save your completed Online Request by clicking the "Save to File" button below. Your Request will be in PDF format which you will be able to save to your computer and print. To download and print PDF files you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

It is important that you Logout and close your browser before leaving this computer unattended. This will prevent unauthorized access to your personal information.

というメッセージが現れました.ただ単にstudy permitをとりたかっただけですが,英文中にある通り,Campus Off work のことについて触れられておりこれは失敗したのかなととても不安です.


返信‐1 学生 (トロント) 2013-03-28 18:20

Off campus work permitは大学進学者が在学中に働きたい場合、




返信‐2 (トロント) 2013-03-28 21:01
