カナダ掲示板 (英語) - No.247089

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Tokyo 英語

Leaving back to japan and need English support?

eri (日本) 2017-11-04 21:53:04

hello! My name is Erika, I am originally from TORONTO and have no moved to TOKYO.

If you are moving back to Japan soon but still want to continue practicing conversational English. I am more than happy to help and teach! I am experienced with helping with pronunciation and modern conversation skills!

We can always discuss and decide what you want to mainly focus on! That way I can prepare a lesson specifically for you.

Trial session: 2,000 yen
1hr lessons: 2,500 yen





please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions or concerns!


返信‐1 a (トロント) 2017-11-04 23:21

my English sucks but i can still tell your punctuation is wrong in at least 2 locations. Is it really true that English is your first language?

返信‐2 (トロント) 2017-11-05 02:52


返信‐3 (トロント) 2017-11-05 03:17


返信‐4 (トロント) 2017-11-05 04:47

商売しようとしてる人が、スペルチェックすらも満足にしてない。 こんないいかげんな人に金を払って何を学ぶのか。。。 変な英語教えて、カナダでわ〜こういった言い方するんですぅ〜とか言うのが目に見える。

返信‐5 Eri (日本) 2017-11-05 10:31

Thank you for your comment. My English grammar is not 100% and I am not afraid to admit that. Hey! I am just a normal human being. If the spelling and grammar mistakes bother you, I sincerely apologies as it was my mistake to post in such a hurry. Keep in mind, I am here to help with pronunciation and conversations skills. In my opinion, as a Canadian, using perfect grammar during a conversation is not 100% necessary. Of course, grammar is neccessary in a conversation to connect sentences and to speak in past, present, and future tense. Instead, we speak in a way that sounds natural and free-flowing. As long as there is a good balance!

If your preference is to speak using perfect grammar, than that is your choice and I have nothing against that :) .

I Understand it can be frightening to step out of your comfort zone with what you studied in school. I felt the same when I learned Japanese. I studied very hard and tried to memorize all the grammar points. However, the moment I tried to have a normal conversation, I froze. I couldn’t convey my feelings. I worked with Japanese people in Toronto for years. I can see that there concern to speak with perfect grammar restricts them to convey what they want to say naturally. Of course there should be a good balance when using slangs and speaking in a professional manner. I am well aware of that.

I am not here to argue, again, I apologize for my sloppy English in my post. I understand why you would be upset. However, I am not here for any negative thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I appreciate your thoughts and opinions. Enjoy the rest of your day!

返信‐6 a (トロント) 2017-11-05 10:37

X I sincerely apologies
〇 I sincerely apologize

返信‐7 (トロント) 2017-11-05 11:34



返信‐8 (トロント) 2017-11-05 11:50



返信‐9 a (トロント) 2017-11-05 12:49

× I can see that there concern to speak
〇 I can see that their concern to speak

返信‐10 Zen (バンクーバー) 2017-11-05 13:39

Erika, do you have a qualification to teach English? You did not mention. Real qualified teacher has a pride of teaching right English. You do not need defend yourself as If Canadian don't care about perfect English.
Real teachers will try to teach proper English because they have studied and obtained certificates.

You don’t need to manipulate emotion of readers. Longer you mention your opinion, It sounds you are not real English teacher. It sounds like all naive Japanese will pay a lot of money to you because you are from Canada.

If you really want to teach and help Japanese, please do them for free as volunteer. Do not take money away from people who worked hard to earn their money.....Use your right judgement

返信‐11 eri (日本) 2017-11-05 14:06

Hello Zen,

Thank you for your honest advice and opinion. I appreciate it. No, I am not a real teacher nor do I have qualification.

Anyway, like you said, I shouldn't manipulate emotion of the readers, so I will leave it as it is. I have learned my lesson and will be careful from now on.

Thank you !

返信‐12 (トロント) 2017-11-05 23:17





返信‐13 (トロント) 2017-11-05 23:30



返信‐14 (トロント) 2017-11-05 23:46


と言いたかったんじゃないの? 目くそ鼻くそを笑うとは、よくいったもんだ。

返信‐15 (トロント) 2017-11-06 00:25

× 目くそ鼻くそを笑うとは、よくいったもんだ。
〇 目くそ鼻くそをよく食ったもんだ。

返信‐16 I'mそうり (トロント) 2017-11-07 00:09

I'll recommend to you about to be a teacher for make money in japan, this site will not fit your needs, most people visit here are focusing on Canada not Japan . you can easily open a English or Chinese language class in Japan.



返信‐17 (トロント) 2017-11-07 00:15

30点。 あなたは中学の英語の授業中ずっと寝てたの?