トロント掲示板 (仲間探し) - No.22106

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トロント 仲間探し

Find friends to practice English together

Jason (トロント) 2011-02-22 13:22:06

I am looking for friends to chat in English together in Toronto. I have been in Toronto for 5 years, and very interested in Japanese language and culture. I can practice English with you and in return I hope to learn some Japanese from you. If you are interested please email me at jjason78@hotmail.com



返信‐1 欲張りだな~ (トロント) 2011-02-24 00:25


返信‐2 1さんに激しく同意何こいつ (トロント) 2011-02-24 01:17


返信‐3 よし (トロント) 2011-02-24 05:34


返信‐4 (バンクーバー) 2011-02-28 14:53



返信‐5 Take this! (トロント) 2011-02-28 15:47

Hey Jason, find some tutor for yourself. I am not sure about your TRUE motives for posting such a post. However, if you are looking for some romance, go look elsewhere. Just to give you an idea of what the others are saying, we think that you need to be able to teach more than English. For example, Arabic, French, Italian, German, etc. Everybody knows English!!! By the way, being in Toronto for 5 years doesn't qualify you as an English tutor. I've been in Canada for about 10 years and still consider myself imperfect compared to the native speakers.