トロント掲示板 (生活) - No.22027

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トロント 生活

Can anyone help me to order flower delivery to 日本?

Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:10:43

Hi, my name is Andrew~ and I have a girl friend in Japan.
I want to send some flower basket for valentine gift.
I tried to order by internet, but it is too hard to order for person cannot read japanese, eventhough I have used google translate function.
Also I could not pay by my credit card registered in canada~
Is here anyone can help me to order?
Please give me some help~
contact Andrew! We can meet anywhere in toronto, I am also appreciate to buy some coffee or sweet for you.
Thank you for reading~

my e-mail is apkch2@gmail.com
and cell# 647-207-7062~

返信‐1 いい人じゃなくてごめんね (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:39


返信‐2 . (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:40

My boyfriend's family owns a flower store in Asia. Apparently there is a global network between the flower stores throughout the world (like flower store alliance). you can order it in Canada (probably through website or from some big flower stores?) and they'll proceed the order to flower store in Japan. So, I don't think you have to find a Japanese website to send flowers. go look for a website in english?

返信‐3 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:46

I know some web sites in english~
first of all, price is too high compare with japanese site, and I can not believe their quality. I want to order from the flower store I can trust.

返信‐4 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:48

Why do you think so? and why do you say like that? Just because you are behind monitor? Get out from monitor! dude!

返信‐5 間違いがないようにもう一度 (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:52


返信‐6 (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:53

What are you from the 80s? Google it man!

This website came up on top in the google. I'm sure you can find more.


返信‐7 A (トロント) 2011-02-12 11:53

Hey Andrew, do you not have some friends in Japan? If you do, why don't you ask them and you'll send the cost by money order.

返信‐8 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:13

Sorry guys. I am Korean Canadian, not japanese. I only know my girl friend in japan, no friends there. I searched google during a day, eventhough I am working in the office. The web site above, I visit already~ Just go to japanese flower site, and compare it, how beautiful it is. I thought somebody might help me from here, but I do not know why you guys think so negatively.

返信‐9 a (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:16

Hey, if you are looking for some help, why don't you ask your Japanese friends here? Don't judge us with just a few sentenses of interactions.

返信‐10 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:20

And don't you guys want to better gift for your guys girl friend?
What I just want was that. Also I used google auto translate for reply about iphone4 thread. As I wrote, I can not read japanese without this program.
some guys are little rude. please be nice~ you don't need to~

返信‐11 a (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:26

are you korean canadian?? i can not trust you.

返信‐12 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:30

Ok. you can help me then~
I will bring my ID. please help me, I will buy u coffee! how about tomorrow?

返信‐13 rakuten (カルガリー) 2011-02-12 12:30

Hello Andrew
Did you try 'RAKTEN' shoping site?
They can accept Canadian card also.
That's site in English, and there is another one witten by Korean.
Check it!

返信‐14 a (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:32

Andrew, stop saying "guys". you use it so many times to the point it gets irritating. Next, it seems like there seems to be no help available here and you might as well look elsewhere. As I asked before, do you have any Japanese friends here? If you do so, you could ask their aquintances in Japan to send the flower gift to your "girl friend". You'll pay the good samaritan by money order. Get it?

返信‐15 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:35

Thank you RAKUTEN~
This is big shopping mall~ but where is flower? ^^ I need to search!
Thank you for helping me~

返信‐16 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:42

a~ no japanese friends now~
I am not a student since long time ago~ all japanese friends are back to japan and no keep in touch anymore~ and why are you trying to make me a stranger? I think there are someone can help me~ and I am just waiting~ can u see? I got one helper already~

返信‐17 a (トロント) 2011-02-12 12:52

you are in fact a stranger. this is a web space and anyone can say anything he/she wants. in that sense, i am a stranger to you too. unfortunately, through many experiences and words of wisdom, we were conditioned to approach people, especially foreigners with cautions because there were such cases where a man tried to approach girls in need of some fantasy. so if you feel like you are being treated like stranger, don't feel offended. we are just being careful.

返信‐18 ~??? (トロント) 2011-02-12 16:23

why does this dude type ~?
what's that?

返信‐19 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-12 17:43

omg~ what a weird theory~ but it is ok. now everybody can watch your thinking and can think themselves. please let someone help me from now on. if i were u, and u really think about japanese girls from some bad strangers, why don't you just help me and let me finish this?
thank you anyway, because of you, many people might watch this thread.
is there any real helper to solve my problem? I did not mention that helper has to be women or man. just need person who can read japanese and order!
I could not found any flower delivery service from Rakuten~.
tomorrow is my last day to order anyway. if someone can help me, I am very appreciate that.
I do not know what I was wrong, but if someone felt bad, I offer my sincere apology.

返信‐20 頑張れ! (ナイアガラ) 2011-02-12 22:28

hey, andrew.
you had better to serch rakten more,
you just put "flower" to serch!!

i try to send flower to Japan, and some site doesnt accept canadian credit card. so i know how hard it is!

i guess you want to send flower to your girlfriend for Valentines day.
GooK luck!!

返信‐21 love rose (トロント) 2011-02-13 00:20

My partner sent me a flower bouquet when I was in Japan during valentine's day a few years ago through the following website:


Not sure how long it takes for delivery, but they delivered me a gorgeous flower bouquet! It was something called "preserved" flower (supposed to last almost life time), so it is still sitting on my table as a memory :)

返信‐22 Andrew (トロント) 2011-02-13 02:44

Thank you 頑張れ~ I like your nick name!
Thank you love Rose!
I found one japanese site and order by myself. It took very long time to finish order and i had clicked almost every buttons to check and translate.
here is web address i ordered. http://www.eflora.co.jp/
my girl friend is working in central japan international airport, and it was hard to find store near that place. I got a confirm e-mail from them couple hours ago, and I feel so comfortable. That store is very kind and nice service.
thank you for your help, I need to sleep from now on, omg it was very hard time for me. thank you again for all helpers.

返信‐23 頑張れ! (ナイアガラ) 2011-02-13 04:59

I am also happy that you could do it.
and thank you for the site which you did it.
next time i will check the site for mothers day.

hope your girlfriend will happy to get flower!!

返信‐24 (トロント) 2011-02-13 07:17


返信‐25 (トロント) 2011-02-13 10:36


返信‐26 I know,,,, (トロント) 2011-02-13 11:14

The reason why he often uses ~ is 'CAUSE he isn't Korean Canadian but just Korean, I guess.

返信‐27 ? (トロント) 2011-02-13 11:54

almost all the korean i know put ~ in sentences,
even grown up men do that too

i find that a bit annoying

返信‐28 (トロント) 2011-02-13 12:08

I find it a bit キモイing... 爆

返信‐29 なんだこれ? (トロント) 2011-02-13 12:13


返信‐30 (トロント) 2011-02-13 12:18


返信‐31 (日本) 2011-02-13 12:37


返信‐32 (トロント) 2011-02-13 12:44

>The reason why he often uses ~ is 'CAUSE he isn't Korean Canadian but just Korean, I guess.

Koran Canadianじゃないじゃんねー。

返信‐33 (トロント) 2011-02-13 12:45


返信‐34 (トロント) 2011-02-13 12:48


返信‐35 (トロント) 2011-02-13 13:59


返信‐36 suck ma D (God) 2011-02-13 18:11

Please Get ur ass out and go get ur some, fker.