トロント掲示板 (仲間探し) - No.18199

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トロント 仲間探し

I bet you a buck you'll read my ad.

KeveeKev (トロント) 2009-12-15 07:18:44

I'm interested in making Japanese friends, male or female to go for drinks, coffee, eats, talk and so on.

Interested? Shoot me with email at emailkevin7@gmail.com

By the way, you owe me a dollar.


返信‐1 good luck (トロント) 2009-12-15 07:56

I bet you a buck nobody is going to reply to be your friend.

返信‐2 友人探しと一ドルの因果関係が謎です (トロント) 2009-12-15 09:42


返信‐3 t (トロント) 2009-12-15 09:53

I bet that you are an idiot.

Go email this other idiot that posted something similar:

返信‐4 英語の冗談はつくづく日本人に通じんと痛感 (トロント) 2009-12-15 13:14

I bet everybody who replied to Kevin's ad didn't understand what he meant! lol

ちなみに、彼がなぜWe owe him a dollarと言っているのかといえば、私たちがこのページを見てしまったからです。ただのCanadian冗談にすぎません。

Kevin, use easier English for those who learn English as a second language so that they wouldn't misunderstand you.

So ya, you owe me a buck.

返信‐5 Idiots read this (トロント) 2009-12-15 13:52


You idiot I'm a native English speaker. Anyone can understood this so called 'joke'.

Go to JCSA or something if you want to meet Japanese friends.

See...you are an idiot

返信‐6 t (トロント) 2009-12-15 13:53

my bad


返信‐7 日本語も英語もがんばろう (トロント) 2009-12-15 16:04

It's astonishing to see native English speakers not being able to use their own language properly. By the way, English is not my mother tongue.

Here are just a couple of corrections and questions for you, Idiots-read-this.

1.You idiot I'm a native English speaker. Anyone can understood this so called 'joke'.
--> You are an idiot. I'm a native English speaker. Anyone can understand this so-called "joke."

2.Go to JCSA or something if you want to meet Japanese friends.
--> Go to the JCSA or something if you want to make Japanese friends.

3.What does JCSA stand for?

4.Who are you saying "you idiot" to? yourself?


返信‐8 無料の英語レッスン (トロント) 2009-12-15 18:03

1. You idiot
Do you have friends who speak English as a native language? Go ask them and you will found out that they also say this. "You are an idiot" is also correct.

That's the difference between English from textbooks and the English that native speakers use in daily life.

It was a nice try though.

2. "if you want to make Japanese friends" (Also correct)
Nice try. You were close. But once again, both are correct.
You gotta learn the way Canadians use English and the so called English that you learn in textbooks.

Lately, I've noticed that there are things you can say to another native English speaker which you can't say to a person learning English. This is a good example. It may seem wrong at first but it's totally correct. Go google "meet Japanese friends" and you will see it being used.

You gotta get your sh!t together before you even attempt to correct a native English speaker. You are stepping into the wrong territory. It's like a midget trying to make it big in the NBA.


返信‐9 やになっちゃう (トロント) 2009-12-15 21:58



返信‐10 カナダ英語以外は英語じゃねえってか。 (トロント) 2009-12-15 22:39

返信2です。返信9さんに激しく同意します。返信8までの人達で、人様の英語にけちをつけて気分がすっきりしたと思っている人達は、例えばここカナダで、南アフリカ人とスリランカ人が英語で意思疎通をしていて、お互い何も誤解が無く話は済んだ場合でも、”おいおまえらの英語間違いが多いぞ!それとここはカナダだ、カナダ英語使えこの馬鹿野郎っ!おまえらの英語は英語のうちに入っとらん、一からやり直して顔洗って出直してこい”って言うんですかね。 追伸 一ドルうんぬんについては既に理解してましたが、友人作りと一ドルの因果関係、謎です。不快です。私個人の感覚ですので、これは例え非難されても変わりませんね。

返信‐11 lll (トロント) 2009-12-15 23:40


返信‐12 IOU $1 (トロント) 2009-12-16 03:54


Many members of this forum do not take lightly to having their little world infiltrated by English posters. Especially when it involves socializing. There are several other resources if you look around. JCSA, JAVA, Meetup.com, etc.