バンクーバー掲示板 (仲間探し) - No.18100

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バンクーバー 仲間探し


Robert (バンクーバー) 2009-11-28 13:43:20


返信‐1 手伝わねーよ (.) 2009-11-28 14:15



返信‐2 Jamie (バンクーバー) 2009-11-28 15:13

Why don’t you take a Japanese language course in a community college? The teacher and class mates there would probably know more about events, organizations, language exchange programs etc that you can join.
I don’t know how you found out this message board but using this is as a good idea as walking up to a group of Japanese and trying to start a conversation on the street.
Why? Well, perhaps you are a good person, genuinely interested in Japanese culture and language, and want to have Japanese friends. But what if you aren’t. There is no way to tell what kind of person you are with what kind of intensions or hidden intensions. Somehow people are more cautious about a guy on internet than a guy they meet at, say, a Christmas party hosted by a reputable organization. That’s the way it is.
One more advice. You better write in English. Use simple sentences so everyone understands. Japanese people do not like seeing broken Japanese. Use English for now. That would make you look more serious and make your life easier as well.
Good luck.

返信‐3 も一人のカナダ人 (バンクーバー) 2009-11-29 01:55


返信‐4 torontonian (トロント) 2009-11-29 02:50

>Japanese people do not like seeing broken Japanese



返信‐5 Robert (バンクーバー) 2009-11-30 12:43

I found about the site so I thought maybe I could use google translation to translate japanese to english. I read this site by translating it into english from japanese ^^.

返信‐6 suzuki (カナディアンロッキー) 2009-12-03 15:17

likewise, Canadian dont like seeing broken English...they absoltely hates it and call them.. "hey FOB, why dont you go back to your country"

返信‐7 ... (...) 2009-12-04 04:50

Suzuki-san, yours is a perfect example of "broken English". Nonetheless, the Canadian couldn't care less if you spoke broken English.

返信‐8 Meetup (バンクーバー) 2009-12-05 08:23


You blew it! The users on this forum would much rather see pathetic Japanese than the output from a translation program.

May I suggest meetup.com? Join the local Vancouver Japanese language meetup group. You'll find lots of willing participants in that group.