トロント掲示板 (仲間探し) - No.16683

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トロント 仲間探し

Language Exchange

Jm (トロント) 2009-06-12 22:42:49

Hey, I was wondering if any of you are interesting at language exchange.
I can teach you a English and you can teach me some Japanese as well. :)

I am 22 years old Korean guy and live around Yonge & Eglington.
I went to high school in US and went to U of T.
At this moment, I am working in the bank.

WELL, I really want to make some Japanese friends. :)
We can go to bar-b-que, wonderland or anything!!

Thank you for reading and hope to hear from all of you.

below is Japanese context if I wrote it correctly -_-.

おはよ ございます。
わだしわ 22さいの がんごぐじんです。

にほんごお おしえでませんか?
わだしが エゴお おしえでます

すみません, わだしの にほんごわ わるいんです。
でも どもだちお つくりだいんです。

メイル おねがいします。
- エゴで -_-。

Thank you! :)

返信‐1 ・・・・・・・・ (トロント) 2009-06-12 23:07

>below is Japanese context if I wrote it correctly -_-.



アメリカの高校&U of Tを卒業してたらこんな英語のはずはないだろうから、明らかに騙しでしょう~


返信‐2 Jm (トロント) 2009-06-13 00:55

Thank you!

返信‐3 Jm (トロント) 2009-06-13 01:04

Well -_-; I honestly have no idea on what you wrote but i got the feeling.
but don't just assume all the ppl are just like you.

I don't care it's girl or guy that can teach me some Japanese.
So if you are interested, let me know.

if you don't, don't worry about it.
It's best of your luck.

返信‐4 文法あんま得意ちゃうけど (トロント) 2009-06-13 13:03

>if any of you are interesting at language exchange...
