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返信‐5 (トロント) 2024-04-22 14:22

CEO Rick Leary’s statement (April 22, 2024)

I am extremely pleased that we’ve been able to reach a tentative agreement with CUPE Local 2 and avoid any job action and service disruptions.

This is a fair deal that is affordable for the TTC and respectful of the important work the 650 members of CUPE Local 2 do every day to keep our system safe and our service reliable.

As the agreement still needs to be ratified by the union membership and the TTC Board, we cannot share details at this time.

I want to thank the TTC Board for its guidance and leadership as well as members of both bargaining teams for their hard work to reach this agreement without any negative impact on TTC customers.

Rick Leary

今ユニオンからのせいめいによると組合とマネージメントが合意をしたとのこと。あとは組合員たちによる投票が必要だけど、一応ストは回避されたよ。ご苦労様。TIMに行ったお嬢さん、帰ってきても 大丈夫だよ。

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